18-weeks spent in an immersive web development program, with a primary focus on Ruby on Rails, Javascript, HTML/CSS, and PostgreSQL (among other technologies)
Brand strategy development, market research, project management.
Find accessible, private workspaces for rent near you
Tech: Ruby on Rails, JS/jQuery, PostgreSQL, HTML/CSS, Google Maps API, AWS, Bootstrap, deployed on Heroku.
Clone of the original popular desktop game " 2048"
Tech: JS/jQuery, HTML/CSS, Heroku.
View and rate movies (à la Rotten Tomatoes)
Tech: Ruby on Rails, JS/jQuery, PostgreSQL, HTML/CSS, API integration, a sprinkling of Bootstrap, Heroku.
Find junior dev roles by city
Tech: Ruby on Rails, Nokogiri, PostgreSQL, HTML/CSS, API integration, Heroku.
A social network for Developers, built as part of a build-along Udemy MERN course
Tech: Node.js, React.js, Redux, MongoDB, Express, Heroku
A personal blog to document my code ~learnings~
Built using: Blogger + Gist
Recently completed a 3-month immersive fullstack development bootcamp. I'm a fast learner, and I'm always on the lookout for new projects / technologies to tinker with. Hit me up if you'd like to chat and/or collaborate!